WOOO!! I got an AWARD!

Who woulda thunk it? What started as a very private blog meant to be for family and friends while I was on my year-long teaching adventure in Australia has led to a number of things (of which I will not get into here!) including this award that came from strangers stumbling across my blog and reading it. And liking it! Enough to admit it and share it with others! How cool!

So, first of all, THANK YOU to Introspections During Quiet Time simply for reading, and secondly for nominating me for this award. I like the idea that he is dedicated to being completely honest about what he writes regardless of the fact that no one would know if he wasn’t! Also, he had a link to a Coca Cola page on the first post I found. Instant love. 😉

Next, come rules that I must follow to be able to accept this award. With pleasure!
1. Add the award to your blog
2. Thank the blogger who gave it to you and include a link to their blog.
3. Mention 7 random things about yourself.
4. List the rules.
5. Give the award to 15 or more bloggers.

For the seven random facts, I am going to cheat a little and draw from a list of “25 Random randoms” I once wrote for a silly Facebook share-y thing. I have done too much emailing, blogging, etc, in the last week catching up on my ‘lack of everything during the holidays’ time to come up with new ones.

1. One of my most traumatic experiences as a child was throwing up in Grade One. But not because I puked all over my desk, or because it felt horrible. But because I had to return to class wearing a PINK sweatshirt with dancing aerobic teddy bears on it from the lost and found. And it was too small.

2. One of my clearest YOUNG memories is sitting at the kitchen table after my grandpa had been visiting and telling me mom in all seriousness, “I don’t want to grow up to be a grandpa.” I supposed I could choose like wanting to be a doctor, or teacher, or bus driver. Ha.

3. I love Walt Disney. He created the most incredible movies, theme parks, and experiences. “The Happiest Place on Earth” truly is that. Also, we are both born on December 5th. So that makes me ultra special and connected to him, right? 😉

4. I don’t believe in the principle of tipping. Increase the prices on your menu so employees get paid what they deserve. Unless I am allowed to teach my students according to how much their parents tip me. (Go Australia!)

5. Biggest pet peeves: when the microwave doesn’t get “reset,” washing silverware, open cupboards and drawers, washing lettuce.

6. I love washing dishes. But only if there is a window over the sink. I don’t really look at anything in particular, but a wall is definitely not enticing to stare at. (Funny, I just wrote about this on my other blog.)

7. The Enya song, Isobella, turns my mind and body into jello everytime I hear it. Often a little tear accompanies the jello. Ahhhh.

And now, to recognize other bloggers. I have only really started reading other blogs in the last month, so here’s the test to see if I’ve looked at 15 or more!

1. Mrs. K’s Class – Welcome to the world of Year 1s in Australia! She inspires me to keep working on improving my class blog!

2. Anytime Yoga – Yes, it’s about yoga (including awesome video routines!) but also includes cleverly written posts that make me giggle a little.

3. Marc and Angel Hack Life – lists (you know how I love lists!) that act as an “it’s okay” or a great kick in the ass as needed – worth a look, I haven’t described this “self help-ish” website as deeply as it goes!

4. Sue B the Foodie – evocative writing that is much more than just the recipes she shares. And she shares my love of Earl – instant best friends!

5. Simple Provisions – another beautifully photographed food blog that sucked me in with a post about “homesick toast.”

6. Tollipop – recommended to me by my cousin Tammy. Short posts that make me smile despite being a total stranger.

7. Pink of Perfection – I found this one accidentally when searching for a photo for my dishwashing post. I’ve only started looking at it, but the range of recipes, poetry, reflection, etc, intrigues me and I look forward to reading more.

8. Becky Hutchinson – it’s about books! What more do I need to say.

9. Eagle-Eyed Editor – another one about books, authors, and writing. Surprise, surprise.

10. Phoenix Rising – a (seemingly) brand new blog that caught my eye with its first post and also inspired by the tagline.

11. All You Need is Love – a friend from home’s blog that includes some intense workout routines that I doubt I could ever handle!

12. Psyche’s Circuitry – about the impacts of social media on teenage brains and emotions.

13. 2012 in Australia – a fellow Canadian exchangee’s blog about adventures in Australia.

14. Bucket List Publications – a shared blog? online magazine? where readers can submit articles. Maybe one day I’ll be brave enough!

15. Kimberly’s Cave – too much??? Haha… I haven’t explored enough blogs yet! I’m still working on getting involved in the greater blogging community! Enjoying every moment of it!

Alright, I think I’ve followed all the rules, I’ll continue to share other blogs as I discover them!

6 responses to “WOOO!! I got an AWARD!

  1. Haha thank you for tagging me in this! I had to laugh at your description of my blog. I promise you could do the workouts too 🙂

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